The Commercial Liens Act (BC) replaces the Tugboat Worker Lien Act (BC) - Bernard LLP


The Commercial Liens Act (BC) replaces the Tugboat Worker Lien Act (BC)

Author: Jeffrey Wu


British Columbia is set to undergo a significant transformation of its lien laws with the introduction of the Commercial Liens Act (the “CLA”). This legislation, which was passed in March 2022, aims to modernize the intricate world of commercial liens, providing much-needed clarity and consistency for both service providers and their clients. Notably, the CLA will replace several existing liens acts, including the Tugboat Worker Lien Act, Repairers Lien Act, Warehouse Lien Act, Woodworker Lien Act and Livestock Lien Act. These existing acts feature varying rules and administrative processes for liens pertaining to repair, storage, and transportation.

From B.C. Tugboat Magazine

About Jeffrey Wu

Jeffrey articled with Bernard LLP and joined the firm as an associate in July of 2020. He practices in the firm’s business law group, assisting clients with a variety of corporate and commercial matters including private M&A, corporate finance, corporate governance and commercial leases. As a junior associate, Jeffrey provides support to senior solicitors on large and complex transactions. Jeffrey… view full profile »